Friday 24 May 2019

To Cairns & Return Pt.5 - Heading Home

Day 16 of our trip - thought we would have turned left today to start heading east for home - no, that didn't happen, we took a right and headed west! For Mitchell some 87 kms west of Roma. The reason for this was to show our friends the benefits of a dip in the pool of the Great Artesian Spa. It provides a wonderful relaxing time as well as supposedly being good for the body and the soul. It surely was great followed by a lovely morning tea. Does a day get any better than this?


After returning to Roma, we called into the Big Rig Information Centre where the history of Roma and the oil and gas discoveries was on display. (My) Peter also decided to get up close and personal with a bull (no not a real one!  - cattle is just about the main stay of the economy in this area and the sale yards at Roma are the biggest in the Southern Hemisphere. Sadly because of our timing (not always the best) we were unable to avail ourselves of a tour of the sale yards.

Day 17 of our trip - now was the time to start heading east and our morning tea stop was at the Historical Village at Miles. What a fascinating place where you really could spend the whole day looking at all the displays and old buildings - oh my goodness, the memories that it brought back.

Our days driving continued and we ended it at Dalby. As this was to be our last night 'on the road' it was decided that we would have a night out. The Dalby Leagues Club was our choice and we were even able to get their courtesy bus to and from the club - well done Dalby Leagues Club!

A lovely dinner was had by all, including drinks and desert. I think we should have walked back to te caravan park rather than by the bus.

Just after this photo was taken (my) Peter's dinner arrived - a Big Foot Chicken Snitzel!! Look at the size of it, and well washed down with a schooner or two as well.

Ah, time to head for bed after that meal I can tell you, for tomorrow it is our last day and we will be home!!

Day 18 of our trip - well, we started our road trip with rain and we ended it with ........ rain and a pea souper of a fog coming through Toowoomba and down the Range.

It was quite nostalgic for us as we called into Oakey for fuel at the roadhouse that Peter & I used to manage some 23 years ago.

Have to say, the driveway has not improved at all by the look of it!

Now with a full tank of fuel on board, it is time to head through Toowoomba, down the Range and along the motorway towards home.

Oh dear me! e could see the weather rolling in from quite a distance out, but this we did not expect.

As I said - a real pea-souper!

Once we got down the bottom of the Range, it was as clear as a bell again, and our journey home was without further problems.

At home it was time to unpack our van and Janine & Peter's motorhome as our road trip had come to an end. All agreed that it had been a fabulous time. Tomorrow the motorhome is returned.

It was still three days before Janine & Peter were to board their plane and return home to England, so we took them for a quick whizz around Brisbane and the Blackall Range up behind the Sunshine Coast.

This included:

Lone Pine Sanctuary

Mt Cootha

Boat trip on the Brisbane River

Day up to Montville & Maleny on the Blackall Range - our last morning tea together.

After returning home, it was time for showers and final packing before heading off to the airport and their flight home.

Thank you for coming to visit us Janine & Peter, don't think we will make another 50 years between meeting up again!


  1. Did you try out your new swimwear? I have enjoyed my "travels" with you all. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Was going to give them an airing in Cairns, but I found the water too cold, however I did go in for a dip in the Spa pool at Mitchell (at 39 deg.c!!
