Tuesday 27 July 2021

Southern Corner of WA

 Finally left Fremantle/Perth, however the rotten cold, wet, miserable and windy weather continued to follow us. 

However, we must let you know that although we will be continuing with our trip albeit in a shortened version. You see we have heard rumbles of border closures about to happen, although we are unsure of what they will entail at the moment. With this is mind, and looking at the alternatives for our trip home, we have decided on cutting it back a bit, just in case the worst happens.

OK, to begin this side trip, we parked up the vans at Busselton and headed down to the southern most corner of WA. First off we headed down through Margaret River and onto Augusta. A lovely little town that had a sign out the front of  the Colourpatch Cafe. 

Yes, it is the last eating house on the road south, but once we went right to the point and the Cape Leeuwin Lighthouse, we were able to get a lovely afternoon tea at the cafe there.

This is supposedly where the Indian and Southern Oceans meet, and I took a photo of a cushion in the shop that gave the co-ordinates.

I have since found out that in actual fact the Southern Ocean does not come into play until 60 deg. S, but we will let them have their little bit of fame.

It was quite late when we made it back to the caravan park at Busselton, however they have food trucks come in every so often, and tonights was a wood-fired pizza truck, just what we need after a very long day.

How good do these look, and they tasted great as well.

Due to what we are hearing about border closures, our travel plan from here, is to make our way across the bottom of Western Australia to Norseman reasonably quickly, and begin our run across the Nullarbor Plain and really start our journey home.

At the rate the wind etc are keeping up with us, looks like we may have a tail wind, which will be good for our fuel economy - will just have to wait and see.

'Til next time,



  1. Leeuwin is Dutch for female lion.
    Have a Nice trip.
    Greetings from Holland, Janny

    1. Thank you for the information Janny, there were a lot of Dutch explorers in the early days and obviously the name came from then - possibly the roar of the oceans meeting (?). May I also say 'elcome' to my blog and thank you for joining us on our journey.

  2. Keep enjoying your travels
    Stay safe & well.
    Love to Teddy & Mates
