Friday 4 March 2022

Placemats in the 'She Shed'

 During the last week or so when we were bunkered down with the 'rain bomb' that hit the east coast of Australia and in particular the Sth East of Queensland, I spent most of the time in my sewing room and creating a pair of placemats for some friends starting out on their adventures in their caravan. I made them from largish left over scraps and just made it - quite pleased with them, as is their new owners.

I made them reversible with a floral (?) print that toned in on the back.

Now while I was making these, Peter was busy down in his 'man cave' playing around with his scroll saw and other bits of machinery. This is what he made for me, and yes, it is hanging up in the doorway to my sewing room  ..... oops 'She Shed'

Time to head back into my 'She Shed' to begin creating more bits and pieces.

Have a good weekend everyone, look after yourselves and take care,



  1. Cute placemats.
    He is a clever one. Your sign is lovely.

  2. Such cute placemats you have made. The rain flooding in your country is all over the news here in the Netherlands too. It looks terrible, my heart goes out to all who had to leave their homes.

    The sign for your shed is lovely and shows the love it is made with.
