Sunday 19 August 2018

A First for Me - Relish Making

Last month we were given a bottle of tomato relish by my sister-in-law, and enjoyed it so much I asked her for the recipe for it so I could have a go. Easy as ...... made with tinned tomatoes!! So I set about making a small batch and yes, I had my first batch of tomato relish and Pete loves it. Looks like I may have to make some more. The worst part of the whole exercise (if there is one) was to go scrounging for some small glass jars.

I did make more than this, but they went into a couple of birthday presents that I was very pleased with myself, as all items in the bag I had made - the notebook cover, a folded shopping bag, the relish and a couple of mug rugs.

Next came a batch of savoury muffins from a relatively simple recipe out of the August edition of the Woolies 'Fresh' magazine - again, simple as, and oh so tasty - Pete said they were the best I had made in quite a while, now that is a good recommendation if ever there was one.

Now all this frivolity in the kitchen is on top of what I have been doing in my sewing room, I am all but finished a couple of projects for this month, so will be posting them shortly.

For now though ......

Catch you next time.

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