Thursday 20 May 2021

'On The Road' Plan "B"

 I have been racing against the clock to get this comforter for Pete finished prior to us going 'on the road' again. This one gives us a lot of extra blocks to stitch the rest of his cloth badges he has been collecting, along with a reasonable amount of spare blocks for more cloth badges that he may collect on our upcoming trip.

The white spot fabric (at top of photo) has been taken out and a couple of others added. Here is all the blocks set out with a 'secret' hidden amongst them.

After stitching them altogether, it was time to pin it and quilt it to the back blanket.

Quilting all done, now time to add the borders, and hand stitch them down, which was a great job to do at my Sewing Circle group, and with it being a little cooler this last few days, it was a nice warm cover over my legs as I did the hand sewing.

All done and handed over to Peter. 

I still have a couple of smaller projects I am working on before we head off next week, that is along with packing our caravan.

For now though, time to put the finishing touches to our trip planner.

'Til next time,


1 comment:

  1. Looking good and it will be a great way to showcase the patches.
