Sunday 11 October 2020

October Already

 As you know, we are presently up at Bjelke Petersen Dam on our fishing trip for the year. Thankfully we were able to come, and I have to say, the break away from home during these difficult times has been great. How is the serenity of this place?

To fill you in, the first week we were a little 'thin' on getting some bait to go fishing, and of course it goes with out saying - no bait = no fish! Anyway, hubby has changed the position of where he puts his bait traps and all is good - we now have bait - yay .... fish here we come. Well so we thought. It would appear that 'someone' forgot to tell the fish we were coming, and so we have not been able to catch very many, at times not even a nibble.

Here is the first fish of the trip - poor little thing, hubby let it go and told it to come back next year when it grew up a bit.

Me, of course took out my stitching, but wouldn't you know it - it began to rain. So here I was not 'singing in the rain', but 'stitching in the rain'! Thankfully we have a little canopy over the boat, so all was good. This is going to be one of my Countdown to Christmas projects when I get it finished. You can just see the raindrops on the water.

Just over on the bank from where I took this photo, there were some horses grazing - it is just so peaceful.

Yesterday was a day off and we went for a drive with some friends down to Nanango (about 1/2 hour away), had a lovely morning tea at the local bakery - they are always good, then headed off to the Pottique Lavender Farm which is sistuated between Nanango and Kingaroy. If you remember hubby took me there last, and I loved it so much, we took these friends for a visit.

They have such beautiful things there, including lavender scones for morning tea, but because we had had morning tea in Nanango, we did not indulge. I did however buy a cute little gift, sort of a stocking filler I guess, but it was 4 wooden 'dolly' pegs soaked (?) in lavender to be added to your drawers, blankets etc. And when they appear to be a bit 'light on' on perfume, just spray them with more lavender oil. Think that will be an idea that I will have to make myself.

I also managed to get a photo of the lavender fields, but I took a 'different' photo of this, it is using what is called a Lensball which gives you the rounded photo. Not too bad for one of my first efforts with it.

Well I think that brings us up to date, so I shall go pack up, and head into the local shops to get a few things required for a bbq lunch.

'Til next time, take care, look after yourselves and keep safe.



  1. Hope your fishing hiatus ends soon!
    I love lavender farms and all those gorgeous products.

  2. Aren't you the clever one with your new lens. Looking forward to seeing more pics.

  3. Hope you caught some bigger fish to cook...
    Interesting new lens....

  4. I am glad Kingaroy had some rain. We have had none here. I haven't been to that area but have a cousin in Nanango.
