Sunday 29 March 2020

What to Do Whilst @ Home

The last few days have been as if living in a bubble around here, and I guess we really are. I have been 'holed up' in my craft room, whilst hubby has given his shed the biggest shock it has ever seen. 

 Yes, he has been down in his 'man cave' for quite a few days where he has got really ruthless with what he has had hidden down there. Our rubbish bin got emptied on Friday morning and by this morning (Sunday), it seemed there was not room left for our regular rubbish from the house. There is also a huge pile near the shed door ready for next weeks bin. I was amazed that you can actually see the floor down there, which I don't think has seen the light of day for many a year.

Now for what I have been up to. I decided to just sit with my feet up - do that quite regularly - and do a little bit of 'fun' knitting. I have made another 3 coffee mug jumpers ready for the coming winter.

I also made a start on the comforter top I plan to make from a bundle of fat 1/8's that I purchased at The Quilters Angel at Highfields the other week. I have cut all the pieces ready to begin sewing.

Then I cut up some trims to add to enhance the blocks. The plain pink ribbon that you can see below is actually the ribbon that the fabric bundle was tied up with - very pretty colour, so did not want to waste it.


I found amongst my bits 'n pieces some lovely embroidered ribbon and some rick rack which I will use as well. Now to head to the sewing machine and begin to put it altogether.

For now though, I shall finish off and head for my loungechair and maybe some more knitting. In the meantime, look after yourselves and please keep safe.

'Til next time,



  1. Those coffee mug jumpers are so cute. LOL! I wish my husband would be motivated to clean his shed too.

  2. Your coffee mug jumpers are cute.
    I guess we are all finding our own way to cope with the changes that are going on around us.I keep on hoping that my hubby would find a better method than sitting at his computer reading about all the sickness and death in the world.

  3. Very cute mug jumpers! Looks like you have enough to do while in isolation or I-sew-lation…..

  4. cute mug jumpers.... the quilt top is going to be so pretty...
