Sunday 1 March 2020

It's Finally Autumn!

W-e-l-l ..... it's supposed to be the beginning of Autumn today and I know that things don't happen overnight, that they will happen, but please, can we have some cooler weather - another hot one today, so it is a good chance to finish off the hand-stitching on my green and black challenge that I set myself.

However to begin with I shall give you a reminder of one of my 'Seasons' mini quilts that I completed last year - the Autumn one. All the leaves are hand stitched applique.

Now though it is back to my cutting table where I am beginning to measure up 72 little squares that will be in my piece I will be making for the challenge put on by Patchwork Therapy in Sunbury, Vic.

This is the main piece of my challenge and I will be cutting out the main squares as well as the little squares from the diamond strip in between each main square.

For now though, trust everyone has a lovely day, and a great week ahead.



  1. Snap - my autumn mini is proudly hanging on its rack. Looking forward to seeing the challenge.

  2. Pretty little autumn mini quilt. I'm not sure about your purple piece. Is the fabric printed or appliqued, can't quite make it out as you say you will be cutting it up into squares.
