Monday 6 April 2020

Time to Walk Away

It seems I am just going to have to take some time out from my sewing/stitching for a few days - you see I have made a very big monumental mistake, and it is one that I just cannot leave. I have always believed that as none of us are perfect, a little mistake can be accepted, but not this one.

I have spent the last three days stitching this block for another of my mini quilt series, and have thoroughly enjoyed getting this one ready to reveal on ANZAC Day, however sadly that has just flown out the window, as the saying goes. This morning I came into my craft room, and set about trimming, cutting and machine sewing the strips with the conflicts on them around the centre block, only to realise (after I had finished them and pressed them down) that two of the strips are in the wrong place. The one on the top should be on the right hand side and the one on the right hand side should be at the top, so as the conflicts are in their right order.

It is so crushing to think that I have done such a bad, bad error. Of course it doesn't help that I am married to a veteran and of course he knows without doubt the order of the conflicts that Australia has been involved in - as do I, but I just picked up the wrong strip, and as they are cut to fit, and I have no more of that charcoal grey fabric, I will have to take the whole lot off and redo them.

Think I will go and read some of my book - can't really mess that up can I?

'Til next time,



  1. Dear me, that's a shame. A good time to read by the sounds of it 😉

  2. How frustrating for you. Yes, I understand the need to have things just right. I know you are short of time to re stitch the words, but you could at least do them on a different colour. Or maybe omit the conflicts for this year and finish the piece in another way, so it would still be ready as a mark of respect on the day.
    I hope you enjoyed reading your book.

  3. Oh dear, what a shame. I bet you couldn't believe it when you thought you were almost finished. Do you have a similar fabric in your stash you can use? Dont be too hard on yourself, although I can understand your frustration.

  4. I was looking at the block and wondering where the error was. I didn't realise until you pointed it out. It's one of those things that no one will notice unless you tell them, but just looks wrong to yourself every time you see it. It sounds like some reading before you psych yourself up to fix it would be good.
