Tuesday 28 April 2020

My Needle Is Working Overtime

Like everyone else at the moment we are all filling in our time with either cleaning up our craft rooms - now that is really not an option as I see, you would not be able to find anything, or you are busy stitching, and today I finished the stitching component of yet another of my mini quilt blocks. This is another for my teddy bear set.

The borders are yet to be attached and another two completed for this set. Then to complete my 'Uniquely Oz' set, and  ...... I will have completed 7 sets of 4 making 28 mini quilts all up.

Sadly, by only doing part bits & pieces I don't have any finishes for this month, hopefully next month I will have this set of mini quilts completed.

Time to sign off for the night, and settle down for the night.

'Til next time,



  1. Cute teddy, of course they love you just as you are!

  2. Such a sweet saying and cute teddy. Lovely stitching.

  3. Such a lovely sentiment. Beautifully stitched too.
