Sunday 12 July 2020

A Lovely Start to a Sunday Morning

Today we ventured out to a nice little cafe not far from our home. Although the name of the cafe defies being there for breakfast, it certainly was well worth it.

 It was a fine morning and the sun was just breaking over the island and lighting up the shore across the water.

As we waited for our ordered breakfasts, it was lovely sitting overlooking the water and the guys from the VMR (Volunteer Marine Rescue) start their day getting their boats ready to take out if required at any stage through the day.

Oh wow! Our breakfasts arrived and we sure were ready to get into them and enjoy.


Hubby had the 'Big Breakfast' of bacon, eggs, a couple of little chipolates, baked beans, mushrooms, a hash brown and toast. Me, well .... another of my loves is pancakes, so I had a couple with maple syrup, blueberries & raspberries and ice cream. Now I ask you, ice cream for breakfast? Plus eating it with a knife and fork. Oh, it was S-O yumm!! Hubby's was washed down with a flat white coffee, whilst I had a chai latte with mine. 

Not the most flattering photo of me, however, what a lovely start to a quiet Sunday.

The rest of the day was spent making a start on another new project, and I realized that for the second time during this 'i-sew-lation', I am teaching myself a new skill. The first was a complicated design (for me) for the comforter I made, and now I am trying my hand at hexagons. Photos later.

For now though, it is time to put my feet up and relax for the evening.

'Til next time,


1 comment:

  1. I'm a little late catching up with your blog. LOvely breakfast, gorgeous surroundings, and so nice to see a photo of you! NOw I know what you look like!
