Wednesday 29 July 2020

Finally Have Finished The Challenge

What have I finished? Do you remember back to the beginning of March, I mentioned I was going to enter a patchwork challenge organised by Patchwork Therapy down in Sunbury Vic. I felt quite confident that I could 'do this', so sent off $10 to register and get back a piece of fabric to begin my project.

I received the 1/2 metre of fabric from them - I had to use at least 50% of it in my project and the item we made was not to be larger than 60" x 60".  Just as a refresher, here is a photo of the fabric we were sent. Everyone who was entering the competition was sent exactly the same fabric.

Obviously you could add fabric to your piece and make whatever you wanted to, from bags to cushions to quilts etc.

These are the additional fabrics that I chose to go with my piece.


Sadly with the light coming through the window the colours do not come up as being quite vibrant
as they really are.

I had decided to create a knee rug, and started to cut out all the bits and pieces that were required, and start stitching them together.

First stage of the blocks taking shape.

Now for the green and orange pieces to be put together and added with the corner stones added from the original piece of fabric.

There were twelve of these made to make up my rug. The sashing and borders were added.

From here I put on my cutting table and began pinning it together with the backing etc. Now that's a job that gives you a back ache! Time to start quilting it on the sewing machine.

Of course it goes without saying that a label was added to the back of the quilt along with a 'security label' added. The original fabric was called 'Harvest Spice' so I decided to call my project 'Harvest Spice'. The hand stitching down of the binding was done on a cold day (for us) we had here and I was able to have the rug spread over my legs as I stitched - it passed the nice and cosy test.

To finish off, here is the finished knee rug.

Over the last week or so as the Covid-19 situation has worsened down south, I have been wondering if I really should be sending it or not. I received notice that the competition had been put back a month from the end of July to the end of August as some folk were having trouble getting supplies.

However, I posted it (by registered mail) off yesterday, hopefully it should arrive OK.

Now it is time to have a well earned rest, and well ..... maybe I just might do a bit of knitting.

'Til next time,

To everyone, please look after yourselves, take care and stay safe.



  1. June you've made a gorgeous quilt with the fabric you were sent for the challenge..
    Good luck with your entry.

  2. Beautiful! I love the purple!

  3. Your challenge quilt looks lovely, well done!
