Friday 20 December 2019

Something a Little Different

I have not just been stitching my Mystery Advent stitcheries of late, I have been busy creating the Secret Santa gift for next week. The theme is 'sustainability' and I think I have accomplished this with relative ease considering anything hand made and reusable fits the bill, don't you think?

Well, this is what I created:

2 Calico shopping bags that roll up for you to take shopping
2 Mesh (with coloured tops) bags for fruit and veges to take to the supermarket
A terylene throwover (flies have a habbit of hanging around on Christmas Day)
A sewing mat with little rubbish bag (my recipient enjoys sewing too)
A wooden (double) trivet that Hubby generously made for me to add - it actually comes apart and makes two trivets.
Plus a Santa Sack to put all the items in.
Oh, forgot, I am also including a recipe book for kids - she has two toddlers.

I should not forget I have also been working on my 'Countdown to Christmas' item for this month as well - to be revealed next week.

For now though, at this busy time, make sure you take a little time out for yourselves.

'Til next time,

                                           and thank you for visiting my blog.

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